ODE. THAT I have often been in love, deep love, A hundred doleful ditties plainly prove. By marriage never have I been disjointed; .For matrimony deals prodigious blows : Aud yet for this same stormy state, God knows, I've groan'd— and, thank my stars,... The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 160von John Wolcot - 1797Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
 | Peter Pindar - 1797 - 442 Seiten
...insupportable apology for keeping Mistresses, and a laugh at that most respectable state, Matrimony. ODE. THAT I have often been in love, deep love, A hundred doleful...disjointed; .For matrimony deals prodigious blows : Aud yet for this same stormy state, God knows, I've groan'd— and, thank my stars, been disappointed.... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1801 - 516 Seiten
...apology for keeping Miftrefles, a laugh at that moft refpectable ftate, Matrimony. ODE. * . JL HAT I have often been in love, deep love, A hundred doleful...prodigious blows : And yet for this fame ftormy ftate, God knowi, I've groan'd — and, thank my ftars, been difappointed. „ "With LOVE'S dear paffion will... | |
 | John Wolcot - 1812 - 644 Seiten
...insupportable Apology for keeping Mistresses ; and a Laugh at that most respectable state, Matrimony. ODE. THAT I have often been in Love, deep Love, A hundred doleful...Matrimony deals prodigious blows : And yet, for this same stormy state, God knows, I've groan'd ; and, thank my Stars, been disappointed. With Love's dear... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1816 - 474 Seiten
...keeping Mistresses, and a Langh at that most respectahle state, Matrimony. ODE. THAT I have often heen in love, deep love, A hundred doleful ditties plainly prove, By marriage never have I heen disjointed ; * The anthor thinks this expression, though a dirty one, mord descriptive than any... | |
 | 1820 - 482 Seiten
...it would be ungenerous to conceal, appear to have had no foundation but in poetic vengeance. * That I have often been in love, deep love, A hundred doleful...matrimony deals prodigious blows: And yet, for this same stormy state, God knows, I've groan'J, and, thank my stars, been disappointed. Peter, as has been... | |
 | 1820 - 498 Seiten
...appear to have had no foundation but in poetic vengeance. * That I hare often been in love, deep lore, A hundred doleful ditties plainly prove. By marriage...matrimony deals prodigious blows: And yet, for this same stormy state, God knows, • I've groan'd, and, thtnk my stars, teen disappointed. Peter, as has... | |
 | 1820 - 494 Seiten
...vengeance. * That I have often been in luve, deep love, A hundred doleful ditties plainly prove. By maniage never have I been disjointed ; For matrimony deals prodigious blows: And yet, for this same stormy state, God knows, I've groan'd, and, iJisnk my stars, I'een disappointed. Peter, as has... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1835 - 488 Seiten
...apology for keeping mistresses, and a laugh at that most respectable state inulrimmiij.] ODE. THAT I have often been in love, deep love, A hundred doleful...matrimony deals prodigious blows : And yet for this same stormy state, God knows, I've groaned — and, thank my stars, been disappointed. With love's... | |
 | Pierce Egan - 1869 - 448 Seiten
...descant with the tender part of the creation with ease and freedom. That I have often been in lo>-, ieep love, A hundred doleful ditties plainly prove ; By...matrimony deals prodigious blows ; And yet for this same stormy state, God knows, I 've groan'd—and, thank my stars, been disappointed. His pretensions,... | |
 | Franz Wollmann - 1898 - 742 Seiten
...respectable State, Matrimony.") .,That I have often been in Love, deep Love, A hundred doleful D.Mies plainly prove. By Marriage never have I been disjointed;...Matrimony deals prodigious blows: And yet, for this same stormy state, God knows, Tve groan'd; and, thank my Stars, been disappointed. Wedlock 'sa sauey,... | |
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