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" Roses shall smooth life's journey, and adorn ; Yet mind me — if, through want of grace, Thou mean'st to fling the blessing in my face, Thou hast full leave to tread upon a thorn. "
The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 222
von John Wolcot - 1797
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The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, Band 14

1791 - 584 Seiten
...Claud f Who told him that he muft be curs'd on earth? The G/>¿ of Nature .'—No fuch thing. Keav'a whifper'd him the moment of his birth, " Don't cry,...lad, but dance and fing; " Don't be too wife, and be аи аре— " In colours let thy foul be dreft, not " crape. " Soft! {hall fmooth Life's journey,...
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The Scots Magazine, Band 53

1791 - 684 Seiten curs'd on earth ? The Go¿of Nature t — No fuch thing. Jleav'n whifper'd him the moment of Ы* birth, " Don't cry, my lad, but dance and fing ; Don't be too wife, and be an apeIn colours let thy foul be dreil, not crape. Stript by the frequent, chill, and eddying -K'f" <h»U...
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Band 3

Peter Pindar - 1794 - 454 Seiten
...Dark, he muft court the fcull, and fpade, and fhroud— The miftrefs of his foul muft be a CLOUD ! Who told him that he muft be curs'd on earth ? —...adorn; " Yet, mind me — if, through want of grace, " Thou mean'ft to fling the bleffing in my face, " Thou haft full leave to tread upon a thorn." Yet...
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq, Band 3

Peter Pindar - 1794 - 458 Seiten
...he muft court the fcull, and fpade, and fhroud— The miftrefs of his foul muft be a CLOUD ! D 4 Who Who told him that he muft be curs'd on earth ?-—...: " In colours let thy foul be drefs'd, not crape. cc ROSES fhall fmooth LIFE'S journey, and adorn; " Yet, mind me—if, through want of grace, " Thou...
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Memoirs of the Forty-five First Years of the Life of James Lackington, the ...

James Lackington - 1795 - 562 Seiten
...NATURE? nofuch thing! •'• Heav'n whifper'd him, the moment of his birth, " Don't cry, my lad, bat dance and fing ; " Don't be too wife, and be an ape, •' In colours let the foul be drefs'd, not crape. 41 Rofes fhall fmooth LIFE's journey, and adorn ; , " Yet mind me if,...
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Band 2

Peter Pindar - 1797 - 442 Seiten
...told him that he must be curs'd on- earth ? — The GUD of NATURE?— No such thing! HEAV'N whisper'd him, the moment of his birth, " Don't cry, my lad, but dance and. sing ;. " Don't be too wise, and be an ape : * In colours let thy saul be dresi'd, not crape-. *' ROSES...
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The Beauties of Pindar; Being Selections from the Various Works of that ...

Peter Pindar - 1807 - 260 Seiten
...told him that he must be curs'd on earth ?— The God of Nature? — No such thing ! Heav'n whisper'd him, the moment of his birth, ' " Don't cry, my lad, but dance and sing; " Don't be too wise, and be an ape : " In colours let thy soul be dress'd, not crape. " Roses'shall...
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The Pleasures of Human Life, Examined and Enumerated: With an Entertaining ...

John Platts - 1822 - 844 Seiten
...Who told him that lie must be curs'd on earth? The God of nature? — No such thing: Heav'n whisper'd him, the moment of his birth, ' Dont cry, my lad, but dance and sing ; Don't be too wise, and be an ape, — In colours let thy soul be dress'd, not crape. Roses shall...
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Autobiographies: A Collection of the Most Instructive and Amusing ..., Band 18

1830 - 368 Seiten
...Who told man that he must be curs'd on earth ? The God of Nature 3 No such thing ! Heav'n whisper'd him, the moment of his birth, Don't cry, my lad, but dance and sing; . Don't be too wise, and be an ape : In colours let the soul be dress'd, not crape. " Roses shall...
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Memoirs of the forty-five first years of the life of James Lackington ...

James Lackington - 1827 - 368 Seiten
...Who told man that he must be curs'd on earth ? The God of Nature ? No such thing ! Heav'n whisper'd him, the moment of his birth, Don't cry, my lad, but dance and sing; Don't be too wise, and be an ape : In colours let the soul be dress'd, not crape. " Roses shall...
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