Now blacken'd, and now flashing through her skies. But all is silence here: beneath thy beam, I own I labour for the voice of praise ; For who would sink in dull Oblivion's stream? The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 408von John Wolcot - 1797Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
 | 1792 - 530 Seiten
...fpcclrcd ni«ht, J wake amid thy friendly-watchful licht, To fteal a precious iiour from litelefs Ueep — Hark, the wild uproar of the winds ! and hark, Hell's genius roams the regions of the dark, And fwclls the thund'ring horrors of ihe deep. From cloud to cloud the pale moon hurrying flits; Now blaçken'd,... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1794 - 458 Seiten
...Monarch's, all-creative word, Become a very decent Lord. TO MY CANDLE. AHOU lone companion of the fpe&red night, I wake amid thy friendly-watchful light, To...dark, And fwells the thund'ring horrors of the DEEP. prom cloud to cloud the pale moon hurrying flies; New blacken'd, and now flafhing through her ikies.... | |
 | 1794 - 888 Seiten
...fpeilred night, 1 wake amid thy fric.idly watchful light, To fteal a precious Ь ur fro n lifelei's fleep— Hark the wild uproar of the winds ; and hark, Hell's genius roams the regions of the dark, And fwclls the thund'nng horror« of the deep. From cloud to cloud the pale Moon hurrying flies ; Now blacken'd,... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 476 Seiten
...(tea! a precious hour from lifclefs Леер — Hark, the wild uproar of the winds ! aud hark, HflFi genius roams the regions of the dark, And fwells the...horrors of the deep. From cloud to cloud the pale тоои hurrying Aies i Now bhcken'd, and now tiailiing through hef fltits Rut all is filencc here... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1797 - 442 Seiten
...night, -*• I wake amid thy friendly-watchful light, To steal a precious hour from lifeless sleepHark, the wild uproar of the winds ! and hark, HELL'S genius roams the regions of the dark, And swells the thund'ring horrors of the DEEP. From cloud to cloud the pale moon hurrying flies : Now black'd,... | |
 | British poetical miscellany - 1805 - 262 Seiten
...fpeftred night, I wake amid thy friendly-watchful light, To fieal a precious hour from lifelefs fteep — Hark, the wild uproar of the winds ! and hark, Hell's...genius roams the regions of the dark, And fwells the tbund'ring horrors of the deepFrom cloud to cloud the pale mOorr'hurrving fties ; Now blacken'd, and... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1807 - 260 Seiten
...spectred night, I wake amid thy friendly-watchful light, To steal a precious hour from lifeless sleep— Hark, the wild uproar of the winds ! and hark, ;. Hell's genius roams the regions of the dark, And swells the thund'ring horrors of the deep, From cloud lo cloud the pale moon hurrying flies ; Now blacken'd,... | |
 | John Wolcot - 1812 - 540 Seiten
...spectred night, I wake amid thy friendly watchful light, To steal a precious hour from lifeless sleep. Hark, the wild uproar of the winds ! and hark, Hell's Genius roams the regions of the dark, And swells the thundering horrors of the deep. Flom cloud to cloud the pale Moon hurrying flies ; Now blacken'd,... | |
 | 1822 - 418 Seiten
...broken flower, gently decay. TO MY CANDLE. DR WOLCOT. T« steal a precious hour from lifeless sleep— ' Hark, the wild uproar of the winds ! and hark, Hell's genius roams the regions of the dark, And swells the thund'ring horrors of the deep. From cloud to cloud the pale moon hurrying 6ies ; Now blacken'd,... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1844 - 746 Seiten
...spectred night ! I wake amid thy friendly watchful light, To steal a precious hour from lifeless sleep. ue triumphs, and her sons are blest ! [Prom ' ffuman Life.'] The lark has sung his carol in the swells the thundering horrors of the deep. From cloud to cloud the pale moon hurrying flics, Now blackened,... | |
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