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" ... t is a shame, — Nothing their thoughtless, wild career can tame, Till penury stares them in the face ; And when they find an empty purse, Grown calmer, wiser, how the fault they curse, And, limping, look with such a sneaking grace! Job's war-horse... "
The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 162
von John Wolcot - 1797
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Band 2

Peter Pindar - 1797 - 442 Seiten
...calmer, wiser, how the fault they curse, And, limping, look with such a sneaking grace Job's war-horse fierce, his neck with thunder hung Sunk to a, humble hack that carries dun;:. Smell to the queen of flowers, the fragrant rose— Smell twenty times — and then, my dear,...
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Band 2

Peter Pindar - 1801 - 516 Seiten
...tame, Till pen'ry flares them in the face ; Apd when they find an empty purfe, Grown calmer, wifer, how the fault they curie, And, limping, look with...fcent athirft) The twentieth drank lefs flavour than the firft. F f 3 Love LOVE, doubtlefs, is the fweeteft of all fellows ; Yet often fhould the little...
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The Beauties of Pindar; Being Selections from the Various Works of that ...

Peter Pindar - 1807 - 260 Seiten
...calmer, wiser, how the fault they curse, And, limping, look with such a sneaking grace Job's war-horse fierce, his neck with thunder hung, Sunk to a humble...dung. Smell to the queen of flowers, the fragrant rose — Smell twenty times — and then, my dear, thy nose Will tell thee (not so much for scent athirst)...
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The works of Peter Pindar, Band 2

John Wolcot - 1812 - 644 Seiten
...limping, look with such a sneaking grace ! Job's War-horse fierce, his neck with Thunder hung, Sunk to an humble Hack that carries Dung. Smell to the Queen of Flowers, the fragrant Rose : Smell twenty times; and then, my Dear, thy nose Will tell thee (not so much for scent athirst),...
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. With a Copious Index, Band 2

Peter Pindar - 1816 - 474 Seiten
...look with such a sneaking grace! Joh's war-horse fierce, his neck with thunder hung, Sunk to an humhle hack that carries dung. Smell to the queen of flowers, the fragrant rose — Smell twenty times — and then my dear, thy nose Will tell thee (not so much for scent athirst)...
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The Works of Peter Pindar

Peter Pindar - 1835 - 488 Seiten
...limping, look with such a sneaking grace ! Job's war-horse fierce, his neck with thunder hung, Sunk to an humble hack that carries dung. Smell to the queen of flowers, the fragrant rose — Smell twenty times — and then, my dear, thy nose Will tell thee (not so much for scent athirst)...
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The Humorous Poetry of the English Language: From Chaucer to Saxe

James Parton - 1856 - 720 Seiten
...limping, look with sucli a sneaking grace ! Job's war-horse fierce, his neck with thunder hung, Sunk to an humble hack that carries dung. Smell to the queen of flowers, the fragrant rose — Smell twenty times — and then, my dear, thy nose Will tell thee (not so much for scent athirst)...
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A New Library of Poetry and Song, Band 2

William Cullen Bryant - 1876 - 599 Seiten
...limping, look with such a sneaking grace ! Job's war-horse fierce, his neck with thunder hung, Sunk to an humble hack that carries dung. Smell to the queen of flowers, the fragrant rose — Smell twenty times — and then, my dear, thy nose Will tell thee (not so much for scent athirst)...
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The World's Best Poetry ...

John Vance Cheney, Sir Charles G. D. Roberts, Charles Francis Richardson, Francis Hovey Stoddard, John Raymond Howard - 1904 - 608 Seiten
...limping, look with such a sneaking grace! Job's war-horse fierce, his neck with thunder hung, Sunk to an humble hack that carries dung. Smell to the queen of flowers, the fragrant rose — Smell twenty times — and then, my dear, thy nose Will tell thee (not so much for scent athirst)...
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The Family Library of Poetry and Song

William Cullen Bryant - 1880 - 1106 Seiten
...limping, look with such a sneaking grace ! Job's war-horse fierce, his neck with thunder hung, Sunk to an uld e'er h rose — Smell twenty times — and then, my dear, thy nose Will tell thee (not so much for scent athirst)...
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