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" When prudence mounts their backs to ride them mild, They fling, they snort, they foam, they rise inflamed. "
The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 392
von John Wolcot - 1797
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The New annual register, or General repository of history, politics ..., Band 13

1793 - 748 Seiten
...draught of CIRCE can't withftand, But in goes every nofe — they muft, will fup. Mad are the paffions, as a colt untam'd ! When PRUDENCE mounts their backs, to ride them mild, They fling, they fnorr, they foam, they rife inflam'd, Infifting on their own fole will fa wild. \ Gadfbud ! my buzzing...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics ..., Band 13

1793 - 752 Seiten
...goes every nofe — they muß, will fup. Mnd are the panions, as a colt untam'd ! • When PRÜDEHCE mounts their backs, to ride them mild, They fling, they fnort, they foam, they rife inllam'd, Jnfifting on their own fole will fo wild. Gadfbad ! my buzzing friend, thou art not dead...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq, Band 3

Peter Pindar - 1794 - 458 Seiten
...legions, be at hand, The beads, the draught of CIRCE can-t withftand, «i goes every riofe-^they muft, will fup. Mad are the PASSIONS, as a colt untam'd...fling, they fnort, they foam, they rife inflam'd, InMing on their own fole will fo wild. Gadlbud! my buzzing friend, thou art not dead; The Fates, fo...
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Band 3

Peter Pindar - 1794 - 454 Seiten at hand, The beafts, the draught of CIRCE can't withftand, But in goes every pofe— they muJi, will fup. Mad are the PASSIONS, as a colt untam'd!...fling, they fnort, they foam, they rife inflam'd, Infilling on their own fole will fo wild. Gadfbud ! my buzzing friend, thou art not dead ; The Fates,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Works of Peter Pindar, Band 2

Peter Pindar - 1797 - 442 Seiten
...hand, The beasts, the draught of CIKCE can't withstand. But in goes every nose — they rnuit,will sup. Mad are the PASSIONS, as a colt untam'd ! When PRUDENCE mounts* their backs to ride therm mild, They fling, they snort, they foam, they rise inflam'd, Insisting on their own sole will...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, Band 16

464 Seiten
...draught of Circe tan't withftand, But in goes every nofe— they mitft, will fup. Mad are the paffior.s, as a colt untam'd ! When Prudence mounts their backs,...Gadfbud ! my buzzing friend, thou art not dead ; The F.ites, fo kind, have not yet fnipp'd thy thread— By heav'ns, thou mov'ft a leg, and now its bro;her,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Beauties of Pindar; Being Selections from the Various Works of that ...

Peter Pindar - 1807 - 260 Seiten
...hand, The beast?, the draught of Circe can't withstand, But in goes every nose — they must, will sup. Mad are the Passions, as a colt untam'd ! When Prudence...mounts their backs to ride them mild, They fling, they snort, they foam, they rise inflam'd, Insisting on their own sole will so wild. Gadsbud ! my buzzing...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. With a Copious Index, Band 2

Peter Pindar - 1816 - 474 Seiten
...hand, The heasts, the dranght of Circe can't withstand, But in goes every nose — they must, wilt sup. Mad are the passions, as a colt untam'd! When Prudence mounts their hacks to ride them mild, They fling, they suort, they foam, they rise inflam'd, Insisting on their...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Works of Peter Pindar

Peter Pindar - 1835 - 488 Seiten
...withstand, But in goes every nose — they must, will sup. dad are the passions, as a colt untamed ! When Prudence mounts their backs to ride them mild, They fling, they snort, they foam, they rise inflamed; Insisting on their own solo will so wild. adsbud ! my buzzing...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Englische Dichter: Eine Auswahl englischer Dichtungen mit deutscher Uebersetzung

1856 - 754 Seiten
...hand, The beasts the draught of Circe can't withstand, But in goes every nose — they must, icill sup. Mad are the Passions, as a colt untam'd ! When Prudence mounts their backs to ride them mild, Sieb. 0, OJiobdjen, fliefy gottuna'd fiadjefn, ffiie ifyt ©ijrenentieb aucfc tont ; <£ie lorft bid;...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

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