| 1793 - 748 Seiten
...draught of CIRCE can't withftand, But in goes every nofe — they muft, will fup. Mad are the paffions, as a colt untam'd ! When PRUDENCE mounts their backs, to ride them mild, They fling, they fnorr, they foam, they rife inflam'd, Infifting on their own fole will fa wild. \ Gadfbud ! my buzzing... | |
 | 1793 - 752 Seiten
...goes every nofe — they muß, will fup. Mnd are the panions, as a colt untam'd ! • When PRÜDEHCE mounts their backs, to ride them mild, They fling, they fnort, they foam, they rife inllam'd, Jnfifting on their own fole will fo wild. Gadfbad ! my buzzing friend, thou art not dead... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1794 - 458 Seiten
...legions, be at hand, The beads, the draught of CIRCE can-t withftand, «i goes every riofe-^they muft, will fup. Mad are the PASSIONS, as a colt untam'd...fling, they fnort, they foam, they rife inflam'd, InMing on their own fole will fo wild. Gadlbud! my buzzing friend, thou art not dead; The Fates, fo... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1794 - 454 Seiten
...be at hand, The beafts, the draught of CIRCE can't withftand, But in goes every pofe— they muJi, will fup. Mad are the PASSIONS, as a colt untam'd!...fling, they fnort, they foam, they rife inflam'd, Infilling on their own fole will fo wild. Gadfbud ! my buzzing friend, thou art not dead ; The Fates,... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1797 - 442 Seiten
...hand, The beasts, the draught of CIKCE can't withstand. But in goes every nose — they rnuit,will sup. Mad are the PASSIONS, as a colt untam'd ! When PRUDENCE mounts* their backs to ride therm mild, They fling, they snort, they foam, they rise inflam'd, Insisting on their own sole will... | |
 | 464 Seiten
...draught of Circe tan't withftand, But in goes every nofe— they mitft, will fup. Mad are the paffior.s, as a colt untam'd ! When Prudence mounts their backs,...Gadfbud ! my buzzing friend, thou art not dead ; The F.ites, fo kind, have not yet fnipp'd thy thread— By heav'ns, thou mov'ft a leg, and now its bro;her,... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1807 - 260 Seiten
...hand, The beast?, the draught of Circe can't withstand, But in goes every nose — they must, will sup. Mad are the Passions, as a colt untam'd ! When Prudence...mounts their backs to ride them mild, They fling, they snort, they foam, they rise inflam'd, Insisting on their own sole will so wild. Gadsbud ! my buzzing... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1816 - 474 Seiten
...hand, The heasts, the dranght of Circe can't withstand, But in goes every nose — they must, wilt sup. Mad are the passions, as a colt untam'd! When Prudence mounts their hacks to ride them mild, They fling, they suort, they foam, they rise inflam'd, Insisting on their... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1835 - 488 Seiten
...withstand, But in goes every nose — they must, will sup. dad are the passions, as a colt untamed ! When Prudence mounts their backs to ride them mild, They fling, they snort, they foam, they rise inflamed; Insisting on their own solo will so wild. adsbud ! my buzzing... | |
 | 1856 - 754 Seiten
...hand, The beasts the draught of Circe can't withstand, But in goes every nose — they must, icill sup. Mad are the Passions, as a colt untam'd ! When Prudence mounts their backs to ride them mild, Sieb. 0, OJiobdjen, fliefy gottuna'd fiadjefn, ffiie ifyt ©ijrenentieb aucfc tont ; <£ie lorft bid;... | |
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