Crowd with fair columns, ftruck by TIME, thy page. And fnatch the falling grandeur from his rage : Give that old TIME a vomit too, and draw, More of Egyptian marvels from his maw ; Bid him difgorge (by moderns call'da hum) Scratch'd by ten thoufand trav'lers,... The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 192von John Wolcot - 1797Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
 | 1790 - 734 Seiten
...fpcftred tombs invade, . And feize the crumbling wonders from the (liade ; Croud with fair column?, ftruck by Time, thy page» And fnatch the falling...(by moderns call'da hum) Scratch'd by ten thoufand travelers, Mcmuou's bum ; And, what all rarities muft needs furpafs, The tail, the curious tail, of... | |
 | Tobias Smollett - 1790 - 730 Seiten
...from the'fliade ; Croud with fair columns, ftruck by Time, thy page, And ("natch the falling gratvdeur from his rage : Give that old Time a vomit too, and...from his maw ; Bid him difgorge (by moderns call'da bum) Scratch'd by ten thoufand travelers, Memnoo's bum ; And, what all rarities muft needs furpafs,... | |
 | 1791 - 508 Seiten
...fpeflred tombs invade, And ieize the crumbling wonders from the ihade; Crowd with fair columns, ilntck by Time, thy page. And fnatch the falling grandeur...draw More of Egyptian marvels from his maw ; Bid him difgorgc (by moderns call'da hum) Scratch' d by ten thoufaixd travelers, Mevnnon's bum; And, what all... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1801 - 516 Seiten
...fecond journey, BRUCE, purfue; More volumes of rich hift'ry bring to view. O run, ere TIME the fpectred tombs invade, And feize the crumbling wonders from...too, and draw More of Egyptian marvels from his maw ; IL 3 Bid * A Jate celebrated philofopher and conjuror. Bid him difgorge (by moderns call'da hum),... | |
 | John Wolcot - 1812 - 644 Seiten
...the crumbling Wonders from the shade ; Crowd with fair Columns, struck by Time, thy page, And snatch the falling Grandeur from his rage. Give that old...draw More of Egyptian Marvels from his maw : Bid him disgorge (by moderns call'da hum), Scratch' d by ten thousand Travellers, Memnon's bum ; And, what... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1816 - 474 Seiten
...Crowd with fair columns, struck hy Time, thy page, And snatch the falling grandenr from his raga : Give that old Time a vomit too, and draw More of Egyptian marvels from his maw ; * A late celehrated philosopher and conjuror. Bid him disgorge (hy moderns call'da hum), Scratch'd... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1835 - 488 Seiten
...falling grandeur from his rage : * A late celebrated philosopher rind conjuror. Give that old Timo u vomit, too, and draw More of Egyptian marvels from his maw ; Bid him disgorge (by moderns called a hum,) Scratched by ten thousand travellers, Memnon's bum ; And, what... | |
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