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" ... beneath thy beam, I own I labour for the voice of praife — For who would fink in dull OBLIVION'S ftream? "
The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 408
von John Wolcot - 1797
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Odes to Kien Long: The Present Emperor of China; with The Quakers, a Tale ...

Peter Pindar - 1792 - 146 Seiten
...SHAKSPEARE'S page, I mark, in vifions of delight, the SAGE, High o'er the wrecks of man, who ftands fublime j, A COLUMN in the melancholy Wafte, (Its cities humbled,...glories paft) Majeftic, 'mid the folitude of TIME. [ 75 ] Yet now to fadnefs let me yield the hour—- Yes, let the tears of pureft friendiliip fhow'r....
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Band 3

Peter Pindar - 1794 - 454 Seiten
...ARE'S page, I mark, in vifions of delight, the SAGE, High o'er the wrecks of man, who ftands fublime ; A COLUMN in the melancholy Wafte, (Its cities humbled,...folitude of TIME. Yet now to fadnefs let me yield the hourYes, let the tears of pureft friendfhip fhow'r. I view, alas ! what ne'er fhould die, A form, that...
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The Scots Magazine, Or, General Repository of Literature, History ..., Band 56

1794 - 888 Seiten, who Hand» fublime ; A column in the melancholy wade, (Its cities humbled, and its glories pad) Majeftic, mid the folitude of Time. Yet now to fadnefs let me yield the hour; Yes, let the hours of pureft friendfhip fhow'f« I view, alas ! what ne'er fhould die, A Form, that wakes my deepcft...
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq, Band 3

Peter Pindar - 1794 - 458 Seiten
...SHAKSPEARE'S page, I mark, in vifions of delight, the SAGE, High o'er the wrecks of man, who ftands fublime; A COLUMN in the melancholy Wafte, (Its cities humbled, and its glories paft) Majeftic, 'mid the fplitude of TIME. Yet now to fadnefs let me yield the hourYes, let the tears of pureft friendfhip fhow'r....
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The British poetical miscellany

British poetical miscellany - 1805 - 262 Seiten
...Shakefpeare's page, I mark, in vifions of delight, the fage, High o'er the wrecks of man who ftands fublime ; A column in the melancholy wafte, • '"'" (Its cities...pureft friendfhip fhow'r. I view, alas ! what ne'er mould die^ A form that wakes my deepeft figh ; A form that feels of death the leaden Deep — Defcending...
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The British poetical miscellany

British poetical miscellany - 1800 - 276 Seiten
...&haktfpea.T?s page, I mark, in vifions of delight, thefage, High o'er the wrecks of man who flands fublime ; A column in the melancholy wafte, (Its cities humbled,...'mid the folitude of time. Yet now to fadnefs let me yield-the hour — Yes, let the tears of pureft friendmip fhow'r. I view, alas ! what ne'er fhould...
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