And think that risibility was giv'n For human happiness, by gracious Heav'n, And that we came not into life to cry : To wear long faces, just as if our Maker, The God of Goodness, was an undertaker, Well pleas'd to wrap the soul's unlucky mien In sorrow's... The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 110von John Wolcot - 1797Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
 | 1789 - 686 Seiten
...out : I own I like to laugh, and hate to figh. And think that nubility was giv'n For human happinels, by gracious Heav"n, And that we came not into life to cry ; To wear long faces, juu as if our Maker, The God of goodr.efs, was an Undertaker, Well pleas'd to wrap the foul's unlucky... | |
 | 1789 - 762 Seiten
...grin, fo merry, draws one out : 1 own 1 like to laugh, and hate to figh, And think that rifibiliiy was giv'n For human happinefs, by gracious Heav'n, And that we came not ioto life to cry; To wear long faces, juft as if our Maker, The God of goodnefs, was an Undertaker,... | |
 | 1789 - 682 Seiten
...laugh, and hate to Cgh, And think that rifibility was giv'n For human happinefs, by gracious Hear'n, And that we came not into life to cry ; To wear long faces, juft as if our Maker, The God of goodnefj, was an Undertaker, Well pleas'd to wrap the foul's unlucky mica In forrow's difmal crape,... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1797 - 442 Seiten
...I own I like to laugh, and hate to sigh ; And think that risibility was giv'n For human happiness, by gracious Heav'n, And that we came not into life to cry : To wear long faces, just as if our Maker, The God of Goodness, was an undertaker, Well pleas'd to wrap the soul's unlucky... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1801 - 516 Seiten
...grin, fo merry, draws one out : I own I like to laugh, and hr.te to figh ; And think that rifibiiity was giv'n For human happinefs, by gracious Heav'n,...bombafin. Methinks I hear the Lord of Nature fay, " Fools, how ye plague me ! go, be wife, be gay ; " No tortures, penances, your God requires — "... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1807 - 260 Seiten
...I own I like to laugh, and hate to sigh { And think that risibility was giv'n For human happiness, by gracious Heav'n, And that we came not into life to cry : To wear long faces, just as if our Maker, The God of Goodness, was an undertaker, WelJ pleas'd to wrap the soul's unlucky... | |
 | John Britton - 1807 - 252 Seiten
...I own, I like to laugh, and hate to sigh ; And think that risibility was given For human happiness, by gracious Heav'n, And that we came not into life to cry, To wear long faces, just as if our maker, The God of Goodness, was an undertaker, Well pleas'd to wrap the soul's unlucky... | |
 | Peter Pindar - 1816 - 474 Seiten
...own I like to langh, and hate to sigh, And think that risihility was giv'n For human happiness, hy gracious Heav'n, And that we came not into life to cry: To wear long faces, just as if our Maker, The God of goodness, was an undertaker, Well pleas'd to wrap the soul's unlucky... | |
 | 1830 - 368 Seiten
...1 own I like to laugh, and hate to sigh, <\nd think, that risibility was giv'n For human happiness, by gracious heav'n, And that we came not into life to cry ; To wear long faces, just as if our maker, The God of goodness, was an undertaker, Well pleas'd to wrap the soul's unlucky... | |
 | James Lackington - 1827 - 368 Seiten
...1 own I like to laugh, and hate to sigh. And think, that risibility was giv'n For human happiness, by gracious heav'n, And that we came not into life to cry ; To wear long faces, just as if our maker, The God of goodness, was an undertaker, Well pleas'd to wrap the soul's unlucky... | |
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