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" Got a good handfome beakfull by good pulling, And flew, without a " Thank ye," to his thorn, The Pig fet up a difmal yelling... "
The works of Peter Pindar - Seite 112
von John Wolcot - 1797
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The Scots Magazine, Band 51

1789 - 686 Seiten to Mag, Who, fqumting down on him like an arch wag, Inform'd Mynheer fome bridles muft be torn ; Then bufy went to work, not nicely culling; Got a good handfome beakfull by guod pulling, And flew without a " Thank ye" to hit thorn. The Pig fet up a difmal yelling ; Bollow'd...
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The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal, Band 81

1789 - 762 Seiten
...Mynheer fome briftles muft be torn; Then bufy went to work, not nicely culling ; Got a good hahdfome beakfull by good pulling, And flew without a "Thank...the robber to his dwelling, Who. like a fool, had built it midft a bramble: In manfully he Tallied, full of might, Determin'd to obtain his right, And...
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Band 31

Edmund Burke - 1792 - 652 Seiten
...fquinting down on him like an arch' wag, Jnform'd Mynheer fome briftles muft be torn ; Then bufy wen* to work, not nicely culling ; Got a good handfome...the robber to his dwelling, Who, like a fool, had built it inidll a bramble: In manfully he Tallied, full of might, Determin'd to obtain his right. And...
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Annual Register, Band 31

Edmund Burke - 1792 - 696 Seiten
...Mag, Who, fqumting dojirn on him like an arch wag, 1 nform'd Mynhetr fome briftles muft be torn ; t Then bufy went to work, not nicely culling ; Got a good handfome beakftll by good pulline, And flew without a " Thank ye " to hb thorn. the The Pig fet up a difaial...
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The Scots Magazine, Band 51

1789 - 682 Seiten to Mag. Who, fquinting down on him like an arch wag, Inform'd Mynheer fome briiUes mail be torn ; Then bufy went to work, not nicely culling ; Got good pulling, And flew without a " Thank ye" to hi* thorn. The Pig fet up a difmal yelling ; Follow'd the robber to his dwelling. Who, like a fool,...
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The Works of Peter Pindar, Band 2

Peter Pindar - 1801 - 516 Seiten
...Who, fquinting down on him, like an arch wag, Inform'd Inform'd Mynheer fome briftles muft be torn ; Then bufy went to work, not nicely culling ; Got a...the robber to his dwelling, Who, like a fool, had built it 'midft a bramble : In, manfully, he fallied, full of might, Dete'rmin'd to obtain his right,...
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Annual Register of World Events, Band 31

1802 - 650 Seiten
...briiile« miift be torn ; Then bufy went to work, not nicely culling; Got a good hañdfome bi ukf'ull by good pulling, And flew without a " Thank ye" to his thorn. The The Pig fet up a difma! yelling ; Follow'd the robber to his dwelling, Who, like a fool, had built...
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The chaplet, poems, partly original and partly selected

Chaplet - 1805 - 236 Seiten
...handsome heakful hy good pu!jin.. And flew, without a tlinnk yc, to his thorn. The pig set up a dismal yelling ; Follow'd the robber to his dwelling, Who, like a fool, had built it 'midst a bramble : In, manfully, he sallied, full of might, Determin'd to obtain his right,...
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The Beauties of Pindar; Being Selections from the Various Works of that ...

Peter Pindar - 1807 - 260 Seiten
...Mynheer some bristles must be torn, ; Then busy went to work, not nicely culling ; Got a good handsome beakfull by good pulling, And flew, without a " Thank ye," to his thorn. The Pig set up a dismal yelling; Follow'd the robber to his dwelling, Who, like a fool, had built it 'midst...
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The works of Peter Pindar, Band 2

John Wolcot - 1812 - 644 Seiten
...some bristles must be torn : Then busy went to work, not nicely culling ; Got a good handsome beakful by good pulling, And flew, without a " Thank ye," to his thorn. The Pig set up a dismal yelling ; Follow'd the Robber to his dwelling, Who, like a fool, had built it midst...
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